Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tico's now off the Prednisone and doing good.

Tico is holding up marvelous with all his treatment.
These are some of his recent photos taken on 12JAN13.

He actually comes over to happy to get his Chemo treatment.
Sometimes He let's me give it to him with a small piece of Roast Beef.
But it's really no problem for him to do via the back of his tongue and of water.
The plan is for the Chemo to continue until May, I may see if We can revise that to April.
It's 10 days on, and then 10 days off. He doesn't seem to have any side effects.

His last day of Prednisone that Dr. Gordon at Mission Pet Hospital I agreed upon was 19JAN13.
I look forward to him being able to get around easier without the added weight He's been carrying.

His left leg cramp seems to have disappeared! 

All in All,
We're been lucky,
He's been responding to treatment wonderfully.

Thank You all for your kind words,
Your Prayers,
And your contributions to Tico's Cancer Fund.
This past month we received another $50, making so far $555, Thank You all again.

Photos taken: 12 January, 2013

Link to Tico's Cancer Fund:

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