Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Starting a New Treatment Program today

                                                  May 08, 2013 Tico's Cutest Photo

We got to scoot along for a few months with only one Cancer Bump, but last week, the One Bump went to Four so it was time to take the advice of the Oncologist and we take the Next Step, which starts out this Morning.

The Chemo Drug: Cytoxan

The Good News, few side effects, to slow Tico the Wonder Dog down.
This starts out with an IV drip to follow with Pill Delivery every 2 weeks.
It looks like the Tico's Vet was able to find a dosage that we can administer to Tico every 2 weeks.

Looks like we have some wiggle room for trips to Maine, and while we away at Burning Man.
So however volunteers to watch Tico will not have to administer any drugs. 
(You also can get stay in our Sweet Apartment in Noe Valley)
This is an improvement over the last treatment which were 10 days on, and 10 days off.

Tico's at Mission Pet Hospital as we speak, and I will update ASAP.
Today's Treatment $225.00 (with my discount).
Future Treatments will be via Pill Delivery and perhaps given at home, so less $$$.

Keep him in your thoughts, white light, and Prayers.

                                           April 20, 2013: Tico enjoys a Ride in the Car

                                   May 8, 2013: Tico in his new Harness


                                              May 14, 2013 What a Handsome Face!

Thank You  to those who contributed another $50.00 to
Tico's Cancer Fund.


 Making it a total so far: $905.00 Received.


                                        April 09, 2013 at SFO, Tico greets Mark at Arrivals

Tico the Wonder Dog is reunited with Mark at SFO.

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