Monday, January 27, 2014

Tico currently 5 months later after finding a Good Treatment Plan.

                          Tico poses for his Christmas Eve Photo 24 December 2013

I'm sorry I haven't posted all the good news on Tico.
It's been 5 months into his Good Health.
He's still on Chemo, and He takes the Pill like a Champ!
We call him over and He runs over making excited noises.
It still take 3-4 tries to get it down, but He really does his best to make it easy on us both.

We don't even have to give him treats, it's the Toy playing that  is his reward.
And our reward as well, because a Healthy Dog and Happy Dog wants to play!

                         Tico enjoys the going to the Laundromat, 21 January 2014.

Having said that, We just had a scare with Tico's Health.
He was listless, didn't want to take long walks, couldn't jump up on the Bed or Couch.
We took him to Mission Pet Hospital and with another round of Blood Tests.
The Tests came out fine, He's ready to start up another round of Chemo (10 days) today.
He's on an Antibiotic that is doing the trick in getting him back on his feet, (or 4 paws).

Thank You Dr. Gordon and Mission Pet Hospital,
His Medicine and treatment is working!

                 What Dog doesn't love Discarded Christmas Trees!  01 January 2014

Thank You  to those who contributed Tico's Cancer Fund.

 Making it a total so far: $1110.00 Received. 



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