Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good News this Time.

I have good news on Tico's Health.
At this time He's free of all Cancer Growths!!!

I had doubts that this was working but suddenly just before We took off to see the In-Laws in Maine,
Tico's Cancer Growths started shrinking, and shrinking FAST!

By the end of July, They were ALL gone!

                          Tico waiting for our flight to Maine at the Boston Airport, 31JUL13

We continue his Treatment, and He happily takes his pill for 9 days on, and 9 days off, with a Blood Test before starting up again.

We are able to let our friend Michael stay with Tico during our Burning Man trip.
Tico loves Michael like He does with us, in fact, I think Tico has a Canine Crush on Michael.

I can't tell you how relieved I am! 

                                 Tico hiking in the Woods of Mid-Coast Maine, 08AUG13

Thank you all for your concern, prayers, and good wishes.

Thank You  to those who contributed Tico's Cancer Fund.

 Making it a total so far: $1010.00 Received.



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Update on Tico

 How about some more Tico Puppy Photos!
Tico's doing great, I just thought, I'd share some more of him as a Puppy,

From the Summer of 2004.

First let me say, Tico's quality of Life is still very, very, very good.
Tico still runs when He see's Mark walking home from the Muni Train and we walk to meet him.
Tico still enjoys his walks, and can walk and walk and walk and walk.
Tico can still wear most anyone out when throwing one of his Toys.
Tico still snuggles, and rolls over and over next to us, with his expression of Joy and Love.

                                                        Tico in the Summer of 2004.


Now onto the Serious Nature of this Post.
We had switched Tico's Chemo to a very easy Treatment Plan,
One Chemo Pill every 14 days,
with a Blood Test before hand to make sure his White Blood Cells were standing up.

This Treatment wasn't working, Skin Cancer (Mucocutaneous Plasmacytoma) were popping up all over him.
He had 4 bumps to Aspirate just last week, they were the same Cancer.

He's gone back to the original Chemo drug: Melphalan, which is a little more extensive to administer.
This is back to the 10 days taking the drug,
Then days rest.
These pills need to be refrigerated.
We'll going to need to take Insulated Sleeve with these pills to Maine.
My plan is to ask our Jet Blue Flight Attendant on the SFO-BOS to give us some Ice.
Luckily, I have the Insulated Sleeve, I even have some pads for my eyes that freeze,
I was planning on putting that in the Insulated Sleeve, along with ice in a zip lock bag.
Of Course, I will carry the pills in the Prescription Bottle it came in. 

                                                     Tico in the Summer of 2004.

Tico's Skin Cancer (Mucocutaneous Plasmacytoma) is pretty rare in the way it's working with him.
Normally it's benign, and normally only 1-2 Cancer Bumps, but He gets multiple bumps.
Dr. Gordon at Mission Pet Hospital doesn't know if these will ever invade him internally.
He may just have bumps, which may or may not respond to the Chemo Treatment that we're returning to.

Good News so far: Tico doesn't have side effects so far with either of these Chemo Treatments.

                                  Tico in the Summer of 2004, taking his 1st flight to Boston

It's just a wait and see kind of thing,
We'll keep on eye on this behavior to see if this effect him, which so far it hasn't.

Dr. Gordon explains we may try upping the dose, but that decision will come in a month or so.

In the meantime, Tico has had an infection on one of his right back paw pads.
He's been prone to this, which might be an allergy, which is why I cook very good food to feed him along with Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance "Sweet Potato and Bison" Dog Food, with no additives.
We choose to go with a shot of antibiotics, which seems to be slowly healing his paw pad.
He's not limping, He never did with this, but He was licking his back right paw. He's not licking the paw now, so that's working.

                                                       Tico in the Summer of 2004,
                                              taking a quick dip in Lincoln, Maine Lake

                                            Tico in the Summer of 2004, bought him a Cowboy Hat.
                                                       (which of course, He doesn't enjoy)

 Thank you all for your concern, prayers, and good wishes.

Thank You  to those who contributed Tico's Cancer Fund.

 Making it a total so far: $910.00 Received.


                              Tico a few days ago enjoy Cafe Flore on the 4th of July 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Update to Tico's Running, Playing, and Happiness!

As you know,
Tico started a new Chemo Treatment on 15MAY13,
so it's been about 5 weeks so far.

His 1st treatment needed to be done at Mission Pet Hospital with an IV,
and a Hazmat suit, the person who does this treatment.

Since then, We've been able to give his treatment to him at home at much less costs,
Much easier on the little dog Tico,
since He doesn't enjoy going to the Vet,
The treatment: The Chemo Drug: Cytoxan
is easy, since it's one pill with a lot of water, every 14 days,
after a blood tests confirms his white cells are holding up with the Chemo, on that, so far, so good.

                                 Tico enjoys laying in the warmth of the setting Sun
                                              15 May, 2013 at home in San Francisco

I haven't posted in 5 weeks because there's no change to his Bumps.
His original Cancer Bump on his Head, is gone, partly due to it being aspirated to see if it's actually
Skin Cancer (Mucocutaneous Plasmacytoma), Which it was.

There are new bumps that appeared in late April, early May.
They seem to be growing in spite of the Chemo Treatments for the past 5 weeks.
Much of this is a wait and see kind of thing.
We all feel them, especially the one on his Back, every time we pet and massage him.

Dr. Gordon from Mission Pet Hospital, Mark, and I all agree that Tico needs to have those newer
(late April, early May), aspirated and checked since these bumps may or may not even be the Cancer.
The Bump on his Back has grown in a very different fashion,
though the 2 bumps on the inside of his left leg resemble more the Cancer.

We're holding off from going ahead with Checking with an Aspiration for another 2 cycles (a Month).

                                 Handsome Chihuahua-Miniature Pinscher
                                                    at home on 15 May, 2013

In the meantime, Tico is Happy, act Healthy, appears Healthy.
Tico is running, chasing balls, taking rides in the Car, meeting old and new friends.
Wagging his tail like a Happy Dog.

Many of you have written to me in private asking how He's doing,
Thank You for being concern and interest.
I wish I had better news!
Tico continues to  teach me, He's here now, He's alive, loving, and Vibrant.
What more can I ask for?
It's one more lesson to be Thankful for Today, for that is all there is.

                                  Tico lifts his leg with his Dallas Souvenir
                                  13 June, 2013 home in San Francisco

Here's a Video of Tico greeting another dog at SFO in Baggage Claim upon my return from Palm Springs.

Thank You  to those who contributed Tico's Cancer Fund.

 Making it a total so far: $905.00 Received.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Starting a New Treatment Program today

                                                  May 08, 2013 Tico's Cutest Photo

We got to scoot along for a few months with only one Cancer Bump, but last week, the One Bump went to Four so it was time to take the advice of the Oncologist and we take the Next Step, which starts out this Morning.

The Chemo Drug: Cytoxan

The Good News, few side effects, to slow Tico the Wonder Dog down.
This starts out with an IV drip to follow with Pill Delivery every 2 weeks.
It looks like the Tico's Vet was able to find a dosage that we can administer to Tico every 2 weeks.

Looks like we have some wiggle room for trips to Maine, and while we away at Burning Man.
So however volunteers to watch Tico will not have to administer any drugs. 
(You also can get stay in our Sweet Apartment in Noe Valley)
This is an improvement over the last treatment which were 10 days on, and 10 days off.

Tico's at Mission Pet Hospital as we speak, and I will update ASAP.
Today's Treatment $225.00 (with my discount).
Future Treatments will be via Pill Delivery and perhaps given at home, so less $$$.

Keep him in your thoughts, white light, and Prayers.

                                           April 20, 2013: Tico enjoys a Ride in the Car

                                   May 8, 2013: Tico in his new Harness


                                              May 14, 2013 What a Handsome Face!

Thank You  to those who contributed another $50.00 to
Tico's Cancer Fund.


 Making it a total so far: $905.00 Received.


                                        April 09, 2013 at SFO, Tico greets Mark at Arrivals

Tico the Wonder Dog is reunited with Mark at SFO.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tico is doing great

Tico is running at top speed again!

He's Healthy and Happy,
and He still has the same rare Skin Cancer (Mucocutaneous Plasmacytoma)

Back on 01 March, 2013, We took him into Mission Pet Hospital and the Biopsy came back positive for this same Cancer. We caught it very early on and it was removed from his little head not to appear back just from the Biopsy.

        (actually Tico the Wonder Dog is part Chihuahua, part Miniature Pincher)

The Oncologist on consultation suggested a new round of many drugs with who know what kind of side effects, so with the consideration with Tico's Treating Doctor, Mark and I decided to just continue with the same Chemo drug we've got him on, and see what happens. No renewing him to start up Prednisone again.

The thing is, He's healthy and happy.
He's now willing for the 1st time since October 2012 to Run, and I mean Run!
He's got a renewed interest in the World.
He's alive and happy, that's All any of us can ask for in any of our lives.
So, for the moment, We'll keep on eyes on him, and let be with the Chemo Drug:  Melphalan.

As we all know, Life doesn't come with any Guarantee,
Everything in Life is filled with Educated Guesses and Gut Feeling.
My Gut, My Heart tells me to let him be Happy, Run, and Chase Balls.

Keep him in your thoughts, white light, and Prayers.

Thank You  to those who contributed another $100 to
Tico's Cancer Fund.

 Making it a total so far: $855.00 Received.

Here's Tico the Wonder Dog at SFO
Greeting My Partner after his being "Back East" for a week.

Video was taken: 15 February 2012

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Yikes, We found a new small Bump on his head

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tico is doing great, had another blood test today

Tico is really doing quite good.
Now that most of his drugs are done for him and that He's only taking the Chemo, all his side effects are gone.  He's still taking Chemo, but He's on one of his 10 days off, then 10 day on.

He's getting back in shape,
He's much more interested in long walks.
I'm posting photos of him walking the entire Embarcadero from 
Cupid's Arrow to the Fog City Diner and back. That's a long walk and He was happy to walk it for the first time since his surgery in  October of 2012.

I want to thank again for your interest in Tico's Case,
Your emotional support to Mark and I, and your Positive Thoughts and Prayers.    

Note: This is not a current Video.
As young Pup of about a year and a half, Tico was relentless at tearing the stuffing from a few of Toys, He has since grown through that stage now that He's a Mature Little Doggie. He still has a few of these toys stripped of their stuffing but He still wants them thrown for him.
Video Created: 23DEC05

Thank you again for your continued Financial Support to Tico's Cancer Fund.
Another $100 was given to this since the last post for a tot
al of $655.00


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tico's now off the Prednisone and doing good.

Tico is holding up marvelous with all his treatment.
These are some of his recent photos taken on 12JAN13.

He actually comes over to happy to get his Chemo treatment.
Sometimes He let's me give it to him with a small piece of Roast Beef.
But it's really no problem for him to do via the back of his tongue and of water.
The plan is for the Chemo to continue until May, I may see if We can revise that to April.
It's 10 days on, and then 10 days off. He doesn't seem to have any side effects.

His last day of Prednisone that Dr. Gordon at Mission Pet Hospital I agreed upon was 19JAN13.
I look forward to him being able to get around easier without the added weight He's been carrying.

His left leg cramp seems to have disappeared! 

All in All,
We're been lucky,
He's been responding to treatment wonderfully.

Thank You all for your kind words,
Your Prayers,
And your contributions to Tico's Cancer Fund.
This past month we received another $50, making so far $555, Thank You all again.

Photos taken: 12 January, 2013

Link to Tico's Cancer Fund: